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Are you an employer looking to develop your team?

At Acacia we can provide you with short courses for groups of staff onsite or online. We will tailor these to your specific requirements.

Youth Mental health First Aid (Accredited by Mental Health England)
2 Days
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Youth Mental health First Aid (Accredited by Mental Health England) description

  • An in depth understanding of young people’s mental health and factors that affect wellbeing
  • Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
  • Confidence to reassure and support a young person in distress
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening
  • Knowledge to help a young person recover their health by guiding them to further support; whether that’s through self-help sites, their place of learning, the NHS, or a mix – engaging with parents, carers and external agencies where appropriate
  • Ability to support a young person with a long term mental health issue or disability to thrive
  • Tools to look after your own mental wellbeing
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Refresher
0.5 Day
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Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Refresher description

  • To be aware of changes to adult protection procedures
  • To have an understanding of the concept and definitions of vulnerability and abuse
  • To identify the types
  • Identify the indicators of abuse
  • To prevent abuse wherever possible
  • Respond to disclosure
  • To know what action to take if you become aware of and how to apply the correct reporting procedures
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults
1 Day
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Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults description

  • To be aware of changes to adult protection procedures
  • To have an understanding of the concept and definitions of vulnerability and abuse
  • To identify the types
  • Identify the indicators of abuse
  • To prevent abuse wherever possible
  • Respond to disclosure
  • To know what action to take if you become aware of and how to apply the correct reporting procedures
  • Identify the Human Rights Act
  • What is the Mental Capacity Act?
  • Awareness of the 5 key principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • How the Mental Capacity Act impacts on the role of the worker
  • How to record and report to comply with the Mental Capacity Act
  • Making decisions in someone’s best interest
  • Difference between Mental Capacity Act and Mental Health Act
  • Gain an understand of what the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards mean
  • Gain an understand of the DOLS authorisation process
Safe Handling of Medication
1 Day
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Safe Handling of Medication description

  • Legislation surrounding Medication
  • Classification of Medicine
  • Routes of Administration
  • Different kinds of medication (including homely remedies)
  • Completing all documentation (MAR forms)
  • Dealing with refusal
  • Disposal of medicines
  • Infection/ hygiene control
  • Reactions/ side effects to medicines
  • Who to call in an emergency situation
Mental Health Awareness (Accredited by Mental Health England)
1 Day
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Mental Health Awareness (Accredited by Mental Health England) description

  • Give an understanding of the issues that impact on and relate to people’s mental health
  • Teach practical skills that can be used every day; including being able to spot symptoms and how to offer support
  • Spot the early signs and symptoms
  • Start a supportive conversation listen to the person nonjudgmentally
  • Assess the risk of self-harm Maintain confidentiality as appropriate
  • This course includes a mix of presentations, discussions and group work activities
Mental Health Awareness (Accredited by Mental Health England)
0.5 Day
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Mental Health Awareness (Accredited by Mental Health England) description

  • Give an understanding of the issues that impact on and relate to people’s mental health
  • Teach practical skills that can be used every day; including being able to spot symptoms and how to offer support
  • Spot the early signs and symptoms
  • Start a supportive conversation listen to the person nonjudgmentally
  • Assess the risk of self-harm Maintain confidentiality as appropriate
  • This course includes a mix of presentations, discussions and group work activities
Mental Capacity & DOLS
0.5 Day
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Mental Capacity & DOLS description

  • Explanation of the Mental Capacity Act
  • Awareness of the 5 key principles of the Mental Capacity Act
  • How the Mental Capacity Act impacts on the role of the worker
  • How to record and report to comply with the Mental Capacity Act
  • Making decisions in someone’s best interest
  • Differences between Mental Capacity Act and Mental Health Act
  • Gain an understanding of what the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards mean
  • Gain an understanding of the D.o.L.S. authorisation process
  • To recognise the Human Rights Act and the 15 basic rights
Medication Awareness
0.5 Day
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Medication Awareness description

  • Explanation of why medication training is so important
  • To gain awareness of legislation surrounding medication
  • Gain insight into types of medication
  • To name the routes of medication
  • Explain the reasons for risk assessments
  • Answer questions on “good practice guidance” regarding medication
Manual Handling Refresher (Practical)
0.5 Day
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Manual Handling Refresher (Practical) description

  • Identify legislation that relates to Manual Handling
  • Describe the anatomy/structure of the spine. Explain the importance of caring for your back
  • Identify a range of equipment used for moving and handling
  • List checks that should be made before using any moving and handling equipment
  • Recognise controversial techniques
  • Explain why good communication is an essential part of moving and handling
  • Demonstrate moving and handling techniques with and without equipment
Manual Handling inanimate objects
1 Day
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Manual Handling inanimate objects description

  • Identify the legislation related to moving and handling in the workplace
  • Answer questions and identify the various structures of the spine
  • Explain the importance of caring for your back not just at work but at home
  • Answer questions on the importance of communication when moving and handling
  • Identify a range of equipment used for moving and handling
  • List checks that should be made before using any moving and handling equipment
  • Recognise controversial techniques
  • Demonstrate moving and handling techniques with and without equipment
Manual Handling (Practical & Theory)
1 Day
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Manual Handling (Practical & Theory) description

  • Identify the legislation related to moving and handling in the workplace
  • Answer questions and identify the various structures of the spine
  • Explain the importance of caring for your back not just at work but at home
  • Answer questions on the importance of communication when moving and handling
  • Identify a range of equipment used for moving and handling
  • List checks that should be made before using any moving and handling equipment
  • Recognise controversial techniques
  • Demonstrate moving and handling techniques with and without equipment
Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work
3 Days
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Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work description

Mandatory Units include; Emergency First Aid in the Workplace and Recognition and Management of illness and injury in the workplace.

  • Understand the role and responsibilities of a first aider
  • Be able to assess an incident
  • Be able to provide first aid to an unresponsive casualty
  • Be able to provide first aid to a casualty who is choking
  • Be able to provide first aid to a casualty with external bleeding
  • Know how to provide first aid to a casualty who is in shock
  • Know how to provide first aid to a casualty with minor injuries
  • Be able to conduct a secondary survey
  • Be able to provide first aid to a casualty with suspected injuries to bones, muscles and joints
  • Be able to provide first aid to a casualty with suspected head and spinal injuries
  • Know how to provide first aid to a casualty with suspected chest injuries
  • Know how to provide first aid to a casualty with burns and scalds
  • Know how to provide first aid to a casualty with an eye injury
  • Know how to provide first aid to a casualty with sudden poisoning
  • Know how to provide first aid to a casualty with anaphylaxis
  • Know how to provide first aid to a casualty with suspected major illness
Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid
1 Day
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Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid description

  • Conduct a scene survey
  • Conduct a primary survey on an infant and a child
  • Summon appropriate assistance when necessary
  • Identify when to administer Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to an infant and a child
  • Demonstrate CPR using an infant and a child manikin
  • Justify when to place an infant or a child into the recovery position
  • Demonstrate how to place an infant and a child into the recovery position
  • Demonstrate continual monitoring of breathing for an infant and a child whilst they are in the recovery position
  • Identify how to administer first aid to an infant or a child who is experiencing a seizure
  • Demonstrate how to administer first aid to an infant and a child who is choking
  • Demonstrate how to administer first aid to an infant or a child with external bleeding
  • Identify how to administer first aid for: • Bites • Stings • Small cuts • Grazes • Bumps and bruises • Small splinters • Nose bleeds
  • Identify the role and responsibilities of a paediatric first aider
  • Explain how to minimise the risk of infection to self and others
  • Define an infant and a child for the purposes of first aid treatment
Infection Control
0.5 Day
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Infection Control description

  • Chain of infection
  • Infection routes and Standard precautions
  • Importance of hand washing and drying
  • Importance of using correct PPE (personal protective equipment)
  • Different infections and what causes them
  • Importance of cleaning, Disinfecting and Sterilising
  • Current legislation, policy & procedures and COSHH regulations
Health and Safety inc. COSHH & Fire Safety
0.5 Day
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Health and Safety inc. COSHH & Fire Safety description

  • Identify meaning of different health and safety signs
  • Recognise legislation that impacts health and safety at work
  • Explain what a risk assessment is
  • Identify signs of stress and ways to manage it
  • Summarise what RIDDOR
  • Explain how to prevent fire
  • Describe what to do in the case of fire
  • Identify different fire extinguisher and what they should be used for
  • Explain COSHH
Food Hygiene and Nutrition
1 Day
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Food Hygiene and Nutrition description

  • Explain the terms ‘malnutrition’ and ‘dehydration’
  • Explain different nutrients and why we need them
  • Summarise a healthy diet
  • Explain the nutritional needs of older people
  • Identify when special diets may be required
  • Explain the term ‘peg feed’
  • State how to prepare food hygienically
  • The 4 C’s of food hygiene
  • Causes of food poisoning
  • Preventing food poisoning
  • Preparation, cooking and storing food correctly
  • Key personal hygiene practices
  • Hand washing procedure
Food Hygiene
0.5 Day
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Food Hygiene description

  • The 4 C’s of food hygiene
  • Causes of food poisoning
  • Preventing food poisoning
  • Preparation, cooking and storing food correctly
  • Key personal hygiene practices
  • Hand washing procedure
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
0.5 Day
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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion description

  • Identify rights and responsibilities?
  • Explain what Equality means
  • Explain what Diversity means
  • To identify the Legislation relevant to Equality and Diversity
  • To recognise how discrimination can affect someone’s life
  • Reporting procedures / Whistleblowing policy
  • Religious and Secular beliefs
  • Respect
Emergency First Aid at Work
1 Day
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Emergency First Aid at Work description

  • Demonstrate the safe management of an incident
  • Demonstrate the recovery position and CPR
  • Demonstrate how to respond to the needs of a casualty who may be unconscious, suffer breathing difficulties or exhibit severe bleeding
  • Demonstrate how to manage a seizure
  • Demonstrate how to administer first aid to a person who is in shock
  • Explain how to manage a range of minor injuries
  • Complete an accident report form
Dementia Awareness
0.5 Day
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Dementia Awareness description

  • To share the knowledge and understanding of the needs of service users with different types of dementia
  • Name the different types of dementia
  • Recognise the signs and symptoms of dementia
  • To support family/carers who are caring for people with dementia
  • Be proactive in the care of dementia sufferers
  • To be aware of the legislation surrounding dementia
Basic Life Support
0.5 Day
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Basic Life Support description

  • Demonstrate how to approach an incident
  • Demonstrate how to check for consciousness
  • Demonstrate how to place a person in the recovery position
  • Demonstrate how to perform C.P.R.
  • Demonstrate how to assist a person who has a partially blocked airway
  • Demonstrate how to assist a person who has a completely blocked airway
Adult Mental Health First Aid (Accredited by Mental Health England)
2 Days
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Adult Mental Health First Aid (Accredited by Mental Health England) description

  • Give a deeper understanding of the issues that impact on and relate to people’s mental health
  • Teach practical skills that can be used every day; including being able to spot symptoms and how to offer support
  • Spot the early signs and symptoms
  • Start a supportive conversation listen to the person nonjudgmentally
  • Assess the risk of self-harm Maintain confidentiality as appropriate
  • This course includes a mix of presentations, discussions and group work activities.

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